Episode 9

Siobhan Cunningham: Podcaster in the Making

Published on: 14th July, 2022

Today we have a Podcaster in the Making - Siobhan Cunningham. Siobhan helps women who served in the military connect with communities and build a business that reflects their new purpose after service. In this episode, she shares her VIP experience at Podapalooza and what inspired her to start a podcast. Siobhan is proof that moms can juggle parenting and entrepreneurship.

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Podapalooza! It sounds hard to spell, but it's easy to say and it's so much fun!!

Podapalooza Intro/Outro:

Welcome to the official Podapalooza Podcast. That's right. We're the official podcast for the hottest newest podcasting event out there. You can take a look at more information about Podapalooza at www.podapalooza.com It sounds hard to spell, but it's easy to say and it's so much fun. Let me tell you about this podcast. So we are interviewing our particular is a featured podcasters That's right, I've heard of Lou's that are feature podcasters are gonna be interviewing VIPs all throughout the event. And each podcaster is going to be featured on this podcast. You can learn a little bit more about the show, what makes them tick why they started their show, and they're gonna give some great tips to how to be a great guest on their show. You too can be on their show when you go to pod palooza.com Buy your VIP ticket. All right, let's do this.

Michelle Abraham:

Hello, hello PATA Polina Xeons Michelle Abraham, your host here today. I am super excited. I have Siobhan Cunningham with me today. She is a part of Palooza VIP. She was a guest on many podcasts during part of Palooza and so Siobhan Hi, how are you?

Siobhan Cunningham:

Hello Michelle, thank you so much for having me.

Michelle Abraham:

You are so welcome. We're grateful you are here. So before we dive in, can you tell us all about what is it you're talking about on podcasts? And what's your what's your favorite subject?

Siobhan Cunningham:

My favorite subject is really listening to people's stories and how books changed their lives. And so that is kind of what inspired me to go to Podapalooza and interview is because I love I love listening to people's stories, and especially if those stories has something to do with the book. You count me in.

Michelle Abraham:

Awesome. Yeah, it's so cool to see how people's or sometimes their stories inspire them to write the book right or the book is the story or, or collaborate Now speaking of which, you have a collaboration book coming up to you, isn't that correct?

Siobhan Cunningham:

Yes, I do. It's called Women, veteran entrepreneurs. How 30 will have 30 leader no 30 mission driven leaders redefine success. And so that is that inspired me actually to start a podcast about called baddie by the book. Because baddies are badass ladies who handle adulting like a boss. And and they're basically just talk about either their book or their a book that helped them through a difficult time. Yeah, so hopefully my book will be one of one of those books one day

Michelle Abraham:

and right, yeah, exactly. That your child who's your target audience when you're speaking on podcasts, who you hope to reach

Siobhan Cunningham:

women veterans and their allies. So there's also like subgroups that kind of fit in with that, like certain first responders, and even just people don't quite have a community and don't really fit in, those people tend to do well with my veteran group as well. So basically, women veterans, women who served in the military, especially if they want to be an entrepreneur, my way

Michelle Abraham:

I love it. And this is kind of like life after the military, like how to redefine yourself and, and promote yourself as an entrepreneur. Start a new business and a new a new wave of life. Yeah, that's awesome. And, as you might hear some little googoo gaga in the background Shavon is with her little one right now. And I love how you are multitasking as a mom and an entrepreneur that is definitely that. I can relate. I had babies all over me for the first few years of my business as well. Oh, what a cutie. You have. They're awesome. So Shawn, I would love to know how did pod PATA palooza? Was there anything that inspired you a part of palooza? Did it? Did it inspire you to do something? Did it change your tid change your perception of podcasting in any way?

Siobhan Cunningham:

Yes. And actually expanded my idea of podcast like I knew that podcasts were. I mean, I don't I don't I don't want to say a dime a dozen. But that's how I felt like oh, everyone. But then being at PATA Palooza, my first time being around people who have podcasts and are interested. It's about sharing ideas and the human experience. And that's why I like listening to podcast. That's why they like having podcasts.

Michelle Abraham:

Right? Yeah, exactly. So it's that connection with the people on the other side of the microphone. I think that' s so valuable. Do you have a favorite moment from Potter palooza?

Siobhan Cunningham:

My favorite moment? Honestly, the end interviews. I had some great interviews and it kind of just clicked for me what the coaching consulting business education world is all about. You know, it was a really great experience for a newbie like me, who's been trying to solopreneur her business for four years. And now finally have a clearer picture because I just talked to people who were doing what I wanted to do.

Michelle Abraham:

Hmm, that's awesome. I love it. And so how many interviews did you actually do that day?

Siobhan Cunningham:

I only did three because I was juggling the big

Michelle Abraham:

three. you're juggling kids, and you still did three podcast interviews in one day. That's incredible. Yeah, that's awesome. See the three interviews in for that day? That's more than most people do, like in a month, just you know. And then we're like, only three. So well, that's super cool. And so for anyone who is thinking about coming to the next part of Palooza, do you have any words of wisdom of like how to navigate it as a VIP what to do what to expect any words of wisdom now that you've done it before?

Siobhan Cunningham:

So this was not me. But if I wasn't juggling the kids, I totally would have been like, hang out in the podcast room and get on as many interviews as you can. If you're just starting out, you know that that's super helpful, especially if you have a VIP ticket, because you can watch all the recordings. That would be my best.

Michelle Abraham:

Yeah, so for those of you listening, who haven't been a part of please before, we have the main stage where all the speakers are on that day and our VIPs, they get to have all the recordings of that. And then in the planetarium, we have all the interviews being conducted. And I always get a little bit of a FOMO of the auditorium because I'm in the main stage. As the main emcee for the day, I miss all the excitement and fun that happens in the auditorium. But if you stay in the auditorium, oftentimes people don't show up to their interviews, or there was like a glitch in the schedule. And you can have an opportunity maybe to pop in as an extra as an extra interview or as an extra guest in there somewhere. Or if there's a podcast or waiting for waiting for someone that didn't show, that would be perfect time for you to just pop in there. So that's a great strategy and a secret about Biophilia. So that's awesome. So thank you. Yeah, anything else you want to share about your experience before we let you go today, it's been awesome chatting with you.

Siobhan Cunningham:

Michelle, it was amazing experience. It was really uplifting for where I was in my business. And it actually catapulted me into taking action, which, again, having a month old, and a two year old, and just kind of piecing together this idea that I have, it was quite astonishing, really, it was a really great opportunity. Thank you for putting it together.

Michelle Abraham:

Oh, you're so welcome. And I love it. And you know, I don't know, Shawn, if you know my story of how I started podcasting, but like I was right there where you are with my first and he was like a few months old. And I was like, I my business brain went to motion. I'm like, I love this. But I also need a little bit more like motivation to do anything else in my life. So I started listening to podcasts, and it motivated me inspired me and got me moving and like, here we are today. So like I can totally relate. And I'm so glad that that gave you your mojo as well to get going because like I remember those foggy days and not much sleep. I miss like, I love this, but I also need some other inspiration. Right?

Siobhan Cunningham:

Exactly. Yeah. Michelle, right there with me. So the other moms listening are like, I can do this.

Michelle Abraham:

You can do it. Yes, you can do it. And I love that part of Palooza gave you that jumpstart to kind of get get going in. Yeah, and I can't wait to hear about your podcast as it unfolds and comes down the pipeline in your book. It sounds really exciting. So if you're a female veteran, make sure you connect with Shavon she's got some really cool projects on the go really interesting. Community, and absolutely love what you're up to show on. Thank you, Michelle, and hey, well, you know, you never know by October our next spot, please, that maybe you will be one of our future. podcasters a goal. I love that so much. All right, we'll connect and we'll help you get there because we love making pottery, Billy's podcast, babies. People that were inspired at one comeback as a podcaster at the next one. I love it. Alright, have a great day. Where can people reach out to you and connect with you?

Siobhan Cunningham:

Yeah, LinkedIn is the best for right now. Starting out, so I'm sure my name is really difficult to spell I am black. So I'm the only Shavon cutting him. It's super Irish name, but this black face

Michelle Abraham:

and beautiful black face. It's kind of funny how you spell it is SIOBHAN Siobhan. So it sounds like Siobhan but it's spelled SIOBHAN and we love it so much. And I your little one is so cute. Thanks so much for being such a rockstar. Uh, you were told daddy, mom and entrepreneur right there. You're like living it. Exactly. That's exactly why that name was invented. Love it. Thanks.

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About the Podcast

Podapalooza Podcast
THE official podcast for the hottest newest podcasting event out there, PODAPALOOZA!

We are interviewing our Podapalooza featured podcasters. You can learn a little bit more about their show, what makes them tick, and why they started their show. They are also going to give you some great tips on how to be a great guest for their show.

Sign up for your VIP tickets now or just go to learn more at www.podapalooza.com.

Podapalooza. It sounds hard to spell, but it's easy to say and it's so much fun!!!

About your host

Profile picture for Michelle Elise Abraham

Michelle Elise Abraham

Host of Amplifyou, Michelle Abraham is an international speaker,  Podcast Producer and voted #14 of the top 50 Moms in Podcasting  in 2020 and 2021 Michelle is the Category Director for Kids and Family for Podcast Magazine. Michelle is also the host of Blissful Parenting Podcast and Michelle is the Founder of Amplifyou. Kevin Harrington, the original shark on the hit Tv Show Shark tank says Amplifyou is North Americas top Podcast Management Company. Michelle and her team have launched well over 300 podcasts in the last few years, she began her work in the Podcast Industry in 2012. Something unique about Michelle is that she doesn’t just speak about a freedom lifestyle she lives it! Her and her family live off the grid on the boat access side of a lake you'll find Michelle driving her kids to the school bus by boat or jet ski all while running a 100% online multi 6 figure business!